Welcome to the Ceredigion 50+ Website

Cll Catherine Hughes“A warm welcome to you all to the New Ceredigion 50+ website. I hope that you all find the website easy to access and use, and will benefit you in obtaining all the information that you need. This is a great opportunity to further extend news and information to the 50+ population of Ceredigion!” – Catherine Hughes

The Ceredigion 50+ Forum aims to highlight and tackle the issues facing older people in Ceredigion, through offering the opportunity to communicate and engage with one another as well as with the service providers within our County, following the guidance of the Ageing Well in Ceredigion Delivery Plan.

We hope that this website will prove to be a useful resource to you as the 50+ of Ceredigion, to access important and valuable information on matters that are important to you!

Ageing Well in Ceredigion

The Ageing Well in Ceredigion Delivery Plan follows the Older Peoples Strategy for Ceredigion (2004) and will demonstrate how Ceredigion County Council plan to take forward the Ageing Well in Wales programme, through working with our communities, partner agencies and organisations to make Ceredigion a better place to grow old. The Ageing Well in Ceredigion Delivery Plan will focus on 5 main themes, as identified by the Ageing Well in Wales programme. These are:

  1. Age Friendly Communities
  2. Dementia Supportive Communities
  3. Falls Prevention
  4. Opportunities for employment and new skills
  5. Loneliness and Isolation.

The Ageing Well in Ceredigion delivery plan will endeavour to tackle these 5 main themes head on in order to ensure that Ceredigion is a great place for growing old, with the needs and requirements of older people taken into full consideration.

The  Ceredigion 50+ Logo


The development of our 50+ logo has stemmed from the ideas and drawings of ‘Clwb Ni’ members, an Intergenerational Club based in Aberystwyth. Clwb Ni is a joint partnership between Tai Ceredigion, Plascrug Community School and Ceredigion County Council, and has been supported by the Big Lottery Fund Wales, in order to bring older and younger people together to interact, learn and have fun! Members of ‘Clwb Ni’ both young and old were asked to draw what the word ‘Intergenerational’ means to them. Many interesting ideas came to light, and from these ideas ‘Clwb Ni’ were able to design a brand new logo with the help of Ceredigion County Council’s web development team.